Getting VSCode to work for Unity development on a Mac

3 min readApr 12, 2017


Hi, I’m Raymond.

And I’ve used Windows all my life. So many things have been really easy for me. When I say easy I’m speaking in the context of game development and software configuration. Most game development tools are built for Windows. I mean why not, most graphics cards and software are first tested on Windows before finding their way to a Mac.

Anyhow, If you own a Mac and you plan on doing some game dev using Unity3d, don’t be afraid and you definitely don’t have to run a Windows VM on the side (though that would make sense too), but anyhow. The default code editor that ships with Unity is MonoDevelop. I’ve used it a lot and cried every time (I miss Visual Studio). Long story short; its rubbish. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate free software and the effort put into the project by the MonoDevelop team but noooooo0000, we don’t want. LOL.

I’m assuming you have Unity3d already and have downloaded VSCode. So, let’s get down to business. I do hope you have fast internet because this may take a while and we have a few things to dowload.

First things first… Download Mono, I don’t know why no one ever mentions this to me. But now you know. Just leave the download running we’ll get back to it later. The next things to install are plugins… yay :>

We need to download a plugin in Unity for VSCode written by dotBunny Inc. You can download this from the Unity asset store.

VSCode Plugin in the Unity Asset store

Next thing we need to do is configure Unity to use VSCode as the main code editor and enable VSCode in Unity. So fire up unity and if it’s not already open.

So we’re done with Unity for now. Let’s go to VSCode. In VSCode we need to install the C# plugin. Just pick the first from the list.

C# extension download

Installation of this plugin will trigger the download and installation of OmniSharp. I know I know another download, sorry :(. This one runs in the backgound though.

We’re almost done.

By now Mono must be done. So install it. To test if it installed correctly, fire up your terminal and type mono. If you get output like mine we’re all set.

Successful Mono Output

If you see this you’re all set. YAY…




Written by RT

Software developer by day, Game developer by night...

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